Friday, April 29, 2011

What me worry?

Good grief!  There is so much doom and gloom in the world today.  Isn't it time to look on the bright side?

Have you written your "bucket list" yet? ( You know, the things you want to do or see before you kick the bucket).  Why not?

It can be a lot of fun to think about this, and besides it will definitely take your mind off things that worry or concern you like the economy, the job market, or real estate values, etc., etc., etc.

Instead, take time every single day to "reprogram" your mind with more positive thoughts.  We get fed so much garbage on a daily basis - you know the saying - garbage in, garbage out!  How about good stuff in -good stuff out?

Do you know it actually takes less facial muscles working to smile than it does to frown?

Your list doesn't have to be exotic or expensive.  How about writing your memoirs, cataloguing your recipes, starting a botanical garden?  ever thought about painting?  Take a class. Missed your chance to be a movie star?  Enroll in an acting workshop.  Start a charity, become a mentor.  Learn to salsa!

Life is so short.  Let's try living it with all the vim and vigor and passion we can muster and throw all the "junk" away.  If you're a procrastinator or excuse maker, go visit a cemetery.  You'll realize you need to get busy.  Tomorrow may never come.

Don't be afraid of living your life.  It's much better than the alternative-even if it's not all perfect.

-Lady Fi


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