Tuesday, March 29, 2011


This is a common phrase used in many religions today to wish someone well, to send them love and goodness.

It is also a mindset.  With all the mania in the financial world today, I think what everyone really wants is very simple.  Peace of mind.

There is so much information out there to disseminate.  Surely, we do not have a lack of it, we have information overload. When a client tells me they want to do more research on my recommendations, I know I have failed.  I have not effectively conveyed my message, which is " you can place your trust in me."  I have attentively listened to you express your desires and needs for a happy retirement, and based on my professional experience and intuitive nature, I have delivered one or more solution that I sincerely feel will deliver the outcome you need.  There are sometimes several scenarios one can put in place to solve a particular issue or concern.  The bottom line, is which one of those will give you what you are really looking for - peace of mind.  Do you really want to know or try to learn the intricacies of how an investment or insurance product works?  Don't you really just want to know what it will do for you?

Certainly, full disclosure is important and mandatory, but honestly, most people glaze over after a few minutes of explaining the mechanics of most investments.  What you want is trust.  You want to be able to fully trust the person who is making the recommendations.  Without trust, you will never have peace of mind.  All the research in the world won't give you peace of mind.  All the procrastinating in the world won't give you peace of mind.  No, my friend, you must dig deep and see if there is trust.

I know this is so hard to do in our world now with all the scandalous behaviors of unethical and dishonest individuals who have abused someone's trust.  It is, however, attainable.  Trust is a two-way street.  You have to let your guard down some and also be honest with the person from whom you are seeking advice.  You don't go to the doctor and not reveal your symptoms.  You could get a totally inaccurate diagnosis, and that would not make the pain go away and could cause you harm.

For peace to come into your mind you need to empty it of all the noise, all preconceived notions, all the negativity and hyperactivity.  Keep an open mind, free of fear.  Trust will come, or it won't.  You will know.  Trust yourself.


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