Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Women - Don't Settle!

Do you know statistics show that women currently control over 50% of the investment wealth in this country? (Federal Reserve Board data) And, that by 2020 that number is expected to be closer to 75%!

A 2008 LIMRA report  found that 72% of affluent women are NOT happy with their current advisor.

So, I ask you. Are you satisfied with your current financial advisor. Is he or she listening to your concerns, letting you know that your feelings are valid, that your fears are justified?

It is no secret that men and women think differently when it comes to money. Different things are important to us. Men are more focused on how something works. Women are more concerned about what it does.
Men tend to make financial decisions quickly while women need to get to know their advisor as a person to feel comfortable.

In general, women want to work with someone who listens carefully, who respects their ideas and has the patience to walk you through the process so we can feel confident in the solutions.

Lady Fi says, it's time  to take TIME! Women often put themselves last. You are so used to doing for others first. It is our nature to nurture.

Well it's time to take care of business girl, this is serious!

It is said that by the age of 57, almost 50% of women will be either divorced, widowed or separated. In addition it is expected that "boomer women will outlive their husbands by 15 years or more!
What does this mean to you? It means it's time to wake up - smell the coffee - you need to be responsible for your finances.
If you are married it means you need to know what is going on. What assets do you have? How are they titled? Are beneficiaries updated? Do you have your own logins and passwords? This is not a matter of a lack of trust. This is just smart. It's good planning to protect yourself for the day when you are without your partner. No time to procrastinate or cry lack of interest or understanding - "Lady Fi" is here to help educate you, not break up your marriage.
If you're single you have NO EXCUSE! There is no knight in shining armor going to shower you with buckets or cash in your 80's. Yes, I know it's overwhelming to have to do it all yourself. But you're NOT ALONE! Lady Fi is here to guide you and help you do the best you can. In the end that's all any of us can do. But plan now, TODAY, you'll meet each challenge as it comes along - just as you always have!

Ask Lady Fi
Enter your concerns and questions here for our forum to discuss. I'm listening. And besides, I guarantee there are at least a dozen other women with the same concerns! Sharing helps us all.

Warm Wishes

"Lady Fi"

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