Wednesday, March 16, 2011

There is a general sense of uneasiness, skepticism, and mistrust permeating the air..

Many still vividly remember the stock market collapse of 2008 and early 2009. The news stories of Bernie Madoff and other financial swindlers are still relatively fresh in our minds. Quantitative easing, i.e. the massive printing of money by the Federal Reserve has people worried about the future direction of the US economy and the possibility of massive inflation. While the "official" unemployment number is falling even those who are less engaged with current economic news know that as far as official Government reporting is concerned, the proverbial books are being cooked.

How many watch the financial talking heads on TV? Do you watch Cramer? Kudlow? Cavuto? The squawk box gang. How many of you have ever heard two seemingly bright people on these shows talk about the same financial topic and give advice that is the polar opposite advice that another seemingly intelligent person gives? The reason for this is that each of these pundits has a different opinion as to what might occur due to a specific set of economic circumstances. Then based on that opinion these experts have a suggested course of action in order to profit from or be safe from these possible outcomes.

A better course of action, I suggest, would be to identify personal financial goals and pinpoint possible obstacles to achieving these goals and from those two lists develop a plan to achieve those goals. There is a lot of confusion and uncertainty among the masses, people are scared financially speaking, unsure what their personal goals are and how to identify the possible obstacles that might get in the way since there are so many. Can we help? I think so.

What are you really looking for - could the answer be Security?

-Tom Boles

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